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Way of the Samurai


Discover the "powerups" and "finishing moves" of Rokugan! This book introduces new skills, feats, and prestige classes for the samurai of the Great Clans. Way of the Samurai also brings "samurai paths" and kata introduced in Time of the Void, making non-linear samurai advancement available in the d20 System. This invaluable resource details each Clan Bushido School: people whom you'll study under, legends of your school, weapon specialization, and much more.

Back Cover:
The schools of the clans impart secrets that have been held for over a millennium, waiting to be passed to the next generation of bushi. The revered sensei of the great dojo stand ready to share their secrets, if you are prepared to learn.

This book brings greater depth to the samurai of the Empire, detailing the major bushi schools of the clans and ronin. Within it you will find the following:

  • New prestige classes, including Elite Guardsmen from each Great Clan.
  • New skills, abilities, feats, and techniques for both the Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd Edition and the d20 System.
  • Benefits for attending dojo that customize your character.
  • Details on the most influential sensei of each school in the Empire.
  • And much more!

This book is a dual-system supplement for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game, Second Edition, and Rokugan, the d20 Companion for Legend of the Five Rings. Players and DMs may also find it useful as a source of interesting new feats and abilities for any d20 System campaign.

Game Masters running the Second Edition L5R RPG will need a copy of the Legend of the Five Rings Game Master's Guide and the Player's Guide. Players need only the Player's Guide.

Dungeon Masters running d20 System games will need a copy of the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, Oriental Adventures, and Rokugan. Players will need only a Player's Handbook.

Manufacturer: Alderac Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 3106
Dragons Trove ID: 11301
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781887953481
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Some scuffing along spine and minor corner wear.

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