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Way of the Daimyo

Court is where the true power lies in Rokugan, and it is not the warrior who rules the land. The courtier's words influence the powerful, and the daimyo make decisions that influence thousands of lives. Set aside your katana, and take up the reins of true power for the first time.Way of the Daimyo is a resource for courtier and high-ranking characters in the empire of Rokugan. The options presented within allow characters to command courts, armies, cities, provinces, or even the Empire itself.* New mechanical systems for maintaining lands, troops, and cities* Expanded character options for the courtier classes and schools* Feats, schools, and prestige classes representing the upper echelon of Rokugani society
Manufacturer: Alderac Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 3043
Dragons Trove ID: 10457
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781594720253
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: None

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