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The Unspeakable Oath #21


-The Dread Page of Azathoth
This issue’s foreword by editor-in-chief Shane Ivey.

-The Eye of Light and Darkness
Reviews of games, books and movies that are of special interest to Cthulhu Mythos gamers.

At the Mountains of Madness, reviewed by Chase Beck
Die Farbe, reviewed by Brian Sammons
The Poisoner's Handbook, reviewed by Greg Stolze
Zombies of the World, reviewed by Chase Beck
Elder Sign, reviewed by Matthew Pook
Stunning Eldritch Tales, reviewed by Matthew Pook
The Book of Cthulhu, reviewed by Greg Stolze
Historical Lovecraft, reviewed by Brian Sammons
The Doom from Below, reviewed by Matthew Pook

-Mysterious Manuscripts
Saucer Attack 1928!:The Dunwich 'Horror', by Bret Kramer
Engines Underground, by Greg Stolze
Ein Konto der Hexraserei im Lindheim, by Adam Gauntlett

-Arcane Artifact
Das Teufelherz, by Adam Gauntlett

-Tale of Terror
The Mock Auction, by Adam Gauntlett

-Feature Scenarios
Sukakpak, (multi-system) by Jason Morningstar
Unaussprechlichen Klutzen (Fiasco playset) by Graham Walmsley
The Man with a Thousand Faces (1920s Call of Cthulhu) by Richard Becker

-Message in a Bottle
She Had Everything, by Brennan Bishop

-Directives from A-Cell
Directive 108: Tradecraft meets Lovecraft, by Adam Scott Glancy

Manufacturer: Arc Dream Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: UNSP21
Dragons Trove ID: 5933
Type: Magazine
ISBN/UPC: 9780983231394
Condition: New
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