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Star Wars Gamer #7

  • Next Stop, Bartyn's Landing (Cory J. Herndon) - An all-new campaign setting! Explore the seafaring fringe town of Bartyn's Landing.
  • Secrets of Mos Eisley (Peter Schweighofer) - A Secrets of Tatooine supplement, with five new encounters, including an updated map of this wretched hive of scum and villainy.
  • Starships of the Bounty Hunters (Owen K.C. Stephens) - Few have ever seen the inside of these five starships. Now you can be one of them and live to tell the tale.
  • Alien Anthology Addendum (Steve Miller) - The universe is a big place, so it's easy to lose track of a few species. You won't find the Defel, Sarkan, or Tirrith in Alien Anthology. You'll find them only in this issue.
  • Galaxy's Most Wanted (Michael Mikaelian) - "The Jundland wastes are not to be traveled lightly." This roving band of Tusken Raiders prove old Ben Kenobi's warning is a sound one.
  • University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Anx (Craig Carey, Jason Fry & Daniel Wallace) - Ever get the feeling some beings can see right through you? If the being in question is an Anx, it can...sort of.
  • Special Ops: Dilettante (Jesse Decker) - If you're looking for something nobler than your average scoundrel, this class combo fits the bill and tips you with variant class abilities and multiclassing advice.
  • Special Ops: Vehicle Ace (Michael Mikaelian) - Not every ace pilot takes to the stars. This new prestige class includes a new feat and new racing swoop.
Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Manufacturer SKU: SWG07
Dragons Trove ID: 10103
Type: Magazine
ISBN/UPC: 07148601832202
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Has the poster map.

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