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Spell User's Companion


The Spell User's Companion is the definitive supplement for spell casters in Rolemaster! Unlike other Rolemaster Companions, this book is devoted solely to spells and spell users. Every optional rule and every new suggestion for improving your game is devoted to the manipulators of magic. Something to enhance every fantasy campaign can be found within the Spell User's Companion -- discover a whole new way to use magic in your game! Inside you will find: - New magical skills, new magical herbs, more options for spell casting, new material on resistance rolls, the spell pick system, magic languages and extraordinary spell failure. - Rules and options for handling apprentices and masters. - Options dealing with each realm of magic -- including new suggestions for Arcane magic! - Dozens upon dozens of new spell lists, including lists covering genetic engineering, weapon mastery, matter shaping, and animation and much, much more! - The brand new Prosaic spell lists -- lists that are easy for any character to learn and cover the everyday facets of life.

Manufacturer: Iron Crown Enterprises
Manufacturer SKU: 1520
Dragons Trove ID: 6112
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781558061491
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Scuffing along spine, and some cover/corner wear.

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