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Secrets of the Shadowlands


Publisher's Blurb:

  • Compatible with the traditional Alderac game system and the popular d20 system.
  • New options for campaigns and character creation assure that product appeals both to players and GMs.
  • Setting information could be removed and placed in other settings with minimal difficulty, appealing to non-L5R d20 fans.
  • Contains new fiction and background information featuring L5R characters.
  • Strong continuity with the L5R CCG

Back Cover:
"Turn away, foolish samurai, lest you find what you see in the shadows to your liking."- Daigotsu, Dark Lord of the Shadowlands

Secrets of the Shadowlands explores the eternal enemy of the Empire, the Shadowlands. Shrouded and mysterious, the only thing known for certain to lie beyond the Great Wall is inevitable corruption. But what happens after a samurai’s soul is taken by darkness? That is only the first step on a longer journey.

Within, you will find:

  • The history, traditions, and territory of the Shadowlands Horde, including such groups as the Diagotsu, Chuda, Tsuno Bloodspeakers, and assorted beasts.
  • New mechanics for Tainted characters, including Bloodspeaker magic and Shadowlands ancestors.
  • A view of the Empire through the eyes of its most hated foes.
  • A description and walkthrough of the Wall of Bones, the Dark Lord’s response to samurai who venture too far in his Lands.
  • The darkest secrets of the Shadowlands revealed.

This book is a dual-system supplement for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game, Second Edition, and Rokugan, the d20 Companion for Legend of the Five Rings. Players and DMs may also find it useful as a source of interesting new feats and abilities for any d20 System campaign.

Game Masters running the Second Edition L5R RPG will need a copy of the Legend of the Five Rings Game Master's Guide and the Player's Guide. Players need only the Player's Guide.

Dungeon Masters running d20 System games will need a copy of the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, Oriental Adventures, and Rokugan. Players will need only a Player's Handbook.

Manufacturer: Alderac Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 3039
Dragons Trove ID: 10001
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781594720215
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight corner and edge wear. Price tag on back cover.

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