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Savage Worlds Hell on Earth Companion


It's lonely in the Wastes!take a Companion!

The Hell on Earth Companion gives your scav what she needs to become an honest-to-Oppenheimer cyborg and adds two new Arcane Backgrounds: Librarian and Witch. For those looking for less weird in their Wasted West there's plenty of guns and gear, details on the dangers of the irradiated future, vehicle combat, and how to contact a lonely AI in the sky.

The Marshal will enjoy twisted takes on the Adventure Generator and Survivor Settlements to help put some flesh on that husk of a campaign, not to mention a few new things to go bump in the night.

The Hell on Earth Companion requires Hell on Earth for Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds core book to play. 

Manufacturer: Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 10800
Dragons Trove ID: 12251
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781937013592
Condition: New
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