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Rogue Trader: Navis Primer


The warp is a domain of nightmares, filled with insanity made manifest and ethereal predators hungry for souls. Yet it is this shadowy realm that a Rogue Trader must tread to seek fame and fortune amongst the stars.The Navis Primer is a powerful supplement for Rogue Trader! This powerful volume reveals the secret history of the Koronus Expanse's Navigator Houses, while unveiling the Astropath Voidfrost and Soul Ward Disciplines. Players can unleash the unpredictable might of the Waaagh! with the Ork Weirdboy Career Path, and uncover new warp-touched powers, alternate career ranks, and elite advances for Explorers of all kinds. What's more, The Navis Primer provides expanded rules for navigation and astrotelepathic communication, and presents terrifying new hazards and foes from the depths of the Expanse! Dragon Trove ID 11776

Manufacturer: Fantasy Flight Games
Manufacturer SKU: RT13
Dragons Trove ID: 11776
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781616614683
Condition: New
Condition Note: None

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