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Rhand:2349 (Living Steel)



This supplement to Living Steel presents the key people, places, and powers of Rhand at the time of the Awakening.

From pole to pole, from Trident/RMBK to the Imperial Guard Landing Zone, it's all here. All 150 Subcons are discussed, including what types of equipment they built and what machinery has survived the Apocalypse, The Bondsmen, Landcaste, and Starcaste communities are also presented, along with the Resorts and the locations of the major Visser encampments. RHAND:2349 is the definitive sourcebook for Living Steel players and Gamemasters alike.

Perfect for the Gamemaster, with enough material for hundreds of adventures. Perfect for the Player: the next time you need something, you will know which communities to search... and which to avoid.

And as a special bonus... a full color, 17" x 22" map of the world of Rhand.

Manufacturer: Leading Edge Games
Manufacturer SKU: 10304
Dragons Trove ID: 12364
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0945571340
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear.

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