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REF2 Character Record Sheets


What weapon would you choose when you have to fight a 100-foot dragon? What are your chances of falling off that cliff and breaking your neck? Do you still have that certain magical potion or did your character drink it last week?

These questions, and many more, can be answered when you fill out your all new AD&D® 2nd Edition Character Record Sheet. Record your character's ability score, possessions, background, and much, much more!

And the new record sheets are formatted more clearly than ever for faster, more spontaneous role-playing fun!

Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 9264
Dragons Trove ID: 7295
Type: Accessory
ISBN/UPC: 0880387521
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Looks like 26 pages are present. I think pages were removed from the centerfold. Minor cover wear.

Read more about condition notes here