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Portals & Planes

Portals & Planes is the 12th book in Fantasy Flight's successful line of sourcebooks for the d20 System. Alternate planes of existence and the gateways between them can be found in every fantasy campaign, but rarely have these adventure themes been explored in detail. Portals & Planes contains complete rules for designing new planes of existence and parallel realities, as well as for running planar, world- and dimension-hopping, and even time travel fantasy campaigns. Players will find new prestige classes, equipment, spells, and feats to help them survive and thrive in alien planes and dimensions. Portals & Planes gives players and DMs everything they need to enjoy fantastic adventures in the infinite multiverse.
Manufacturer: Fantasy Flight Games
Manufacturer SKU: DD44
Dragons Trove ID: 6121
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781589941045
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: None

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