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Pavis is the first city base intended exclusively for RuneQuest players. Its neighborhood maps are indexed for the services adventureres need - armorers, temples, and so on. Gimpy's, an excellent inn, is fully described, as are the city politico-religious groupings and prominent personalities.
Background includes chronology, historical essays, maps, and the cults of Flintnail, Lanbril, Zola Fel, and Pavis, There is an elaborate plan and description of the downriver Sun Dome temple complex.
Of the five scenarios, Welcome to the City situates the characters and introduces Lunar officialdom; this multi-session scenario is matched by The Cradle, another multi-session sdventure about the first giant cradle to appear in 700 years: characters battle mass-magics to try to stop or to help the cradle on its way - a glorious struggle which will be sung for a hundred years. Temple at Feroda, Raus House Robbery, and Krang's table are more compact adventures, offering a play range from 2-3 hours to perhaps two evenings. Encounters, full stats, and dozens of scenario hooks help gamemasters create many more episodes.
Pavis Player's Guide
Pavis City Book
22 x 34 map of Pavis
11 x 34 map of the River of Cradles valley
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