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NO OTHER CITY COMPARES!For centuries people from all across Krynn have flocked to the only city to come unscathed through wars, dragon attacks, and world-shattering cataclysms. Now your DRAGONLANCE heroes can explore ancient and wondrous Palanthas, from her bustling waterfront to the cloistered mansions atop Nobles' Hill.Make Palanthas the center of your campaign! Features like the city's never-before-revealed history, details on locations such as the Great Library of the Ages, beautifully rendered maps, new hero roles, and dozens of characters and story seeds will bring your DRAGONLANCE adventure to life.Located deep within the realm of the blue dragon Skie, the city bearing Paladine's name suffers under the rule of the evil Knights of Takhisis. Her citizens need champions now more than ever.
Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 9588
Dragons Trove ID: 10358
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0786911999
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Light cover wear.

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