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Padarr Citybook


Enter a city where being rich means getting your way - all the way. A little 'squeeze' will get you far. Just make sure that you've got the cash, mister, 'cause if you don't, you're dirt under someone's heel. And that ain't a good thing to be in Padarr.

The Padarr Citybook contains everything needed to start an adventure or campaign in this coastal city. Included inside is a detailed history that relates Padarr's evolution from a pirate stronghold to a city run by bought officials. You'll also find descriptions of Padarr's different neighborhoods, adventure hooks and rumors, and some new breeds of Unnaturals and Wilderness creatures.

Graft. Corruption. Vice. These are the passwords of Padarr.

Padarr Citybook is intended for use with the Bloodshadows roleplaying game. You will need the World of Bloodshadows book and the MasterBook to play.

Manufacturer: West End Games
Manufacturer SKU: 33004
Dragons Trove ID: 374
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0874313856
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Some minor scuffing of cover. Price tag on back cover.

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