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Gadget Guides


Where do you get all those wonderful toys? Right here! Gadget Guides is a collection of diverse devices for the Mutants & Masterminds Superhero Roleplaying Game, from armor and weapons to psychic crystals and steamtech. Each section of the book looks at a particular type of gadget, putting together the effects and modifiers from the Hero's Handbook to create a catalog of ready-to-use items. It also includes expanded material on the inventing, artificing, and ritual rules from the M&M Hero's Handbook. What Power Profiles did for super-powers, Gadget Guides does for gear, making it a great character creation and in-play resource for both players and gamemasters. 

Manufacturer: Green Ronin Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 5509
Dragons Trove ID: 12070
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781934547571
Condition: New
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