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Middle-Earth Campaign Guide

Inside you'll find the full color poster map of Middle-earth pictured here. It's larger of course, 24" x 36" and rendered in exquisite detail. It includes the region chronicled in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings as well as the wild lands - north, east, and south! The Middle-earth Campaign Guide includes: * TIMELINE provides in-depth coverage of the entire history of the West.* LINGUISTIC guidelines for the many tongues of Middle-earth - the speech of Elves, Dwarves, Ents, Hobbits, and Men.* DICTIONARY of Elvish, including notes on pronunciation and grammar.* GLOSSARY OF TERMS provides a quick reference for the people, cultures, and places of Middle-earth.* ROLE PLAYING notes for incorporating Middle-earth into any major role playing system.* THEME MAPS detail Middle-earth's topography, climate, trade routes, and population centers.* 24" x 36" COLOR MAP pictured above - including a superimposed reference grid.The Campaign Guide provides a working base for creative minds who enjoy Tolkien's world - people who have long wished to venture into Middle-earth's lands, experience its magic and politics, discover new cultures, and build upon its wondrous structures and settings. This sourcebook charts the well-documented reaches of northwestern Endor, as well as the shadowy lands that comprise the rest of the continent. Its scope is broad, treating the fundamental and unique themes needed by those who wish to enjoy authentic fantasy role playing in Tolkien's Middle-earth. The Middle-earth Campaign Guide is a compilation of material previously available in the Middle-earth Adventure Guidebook, Volumes I and II.
Manufacturer: Iron Crown Enterprises
Manufacturer SKU: 2003
Dragons Trove ID: 6499
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781558061934
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear. Small stain on back cover. Has poster map.

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