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Elves includes:
• HISTORY—The tale of the Firstborn, from their awakening in Cuiviénen, through their long march westward to the Undying Lands, to the rebellion of the Noldor and their return to Middle-earth.
• CALAQUENDI—The “light Elves” who dwelt in Aman for a time and witnessed there the light of the Two Trees:
Fingolfin, who challenged Morgoth to single combat and wounded the Vala seven times.
Galadriel, daughter of Finarfin, she departed to Aman not to retrieve the stolen Silmarils, but to visit wide and unknown lands, to rule there a realm of her own.
Ingwë, High King and the greatest in wisdom of all the Elves, he dwelt in Aman for all the ages of Middle-earth.
• ÚMANYAR—“Those not of Aman,” the Elves who heeded the summons of the Valar, but turned back before reaching the Undying Lands:
Elwë, King of the Teleri, he turned away from the Undying Lands for love of Melian, the Maia who dwelt in Endor.
Eöl, deviser of a metal hard as steel, yet malleable.
Amroth, Son of Amdir and King of Lórien.
• AVARI—“The Unwilling,” the Elves who refused to follow Oromë into the West (and their descendants):
Haldir, one of the three Guardians of Lórien who encountered the Fellowship of the Ring as the eight survivors fled from Moria.
Nimrodel, beloved of Amroth, she regretted the return of the Elves of the West, claiming they brought war and betrayal with them.

This compendium is a revised version of material released in Lords of Middle-earth, Vol. I, the Immortals in 1986. Elves features many more illustrations and includes stats for MERP, Rolemaster and the Lord of the Rings Adventure Game.

Manufacturer: Iron Crown Enterprises
Manufacturer SKU: 2013
Dragons Trove ID: 6292
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781558062184
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear along spine. Price tag on back cover.

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