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Mercenaries of Charted Space


There is more to being a successful mercenary than fighting. A smart commander knows what to expect from the client and how far they can be trusted; how to go about obtaining recruits and weaponry, and who the opposition might be. Mercenaries of Charted Space explores the mercenary marketplace in Charted Space, from the Zhodani Consulate to the rimward fringes; from the Aslan Hierate to the Two Thousand worlds. The unique characteristics of each region are detailed, along with some of the dealers, agencies and notable mercenary forces found there… and ongoing conflicts to plunge right into. Learn how to approach an Aslan noble with an offer of service, and what to expect in return; how to register with the Imperial authorities, and whether the Instellarms Million Credit Bond is worth the money. Be ready for the nightmarish machinations of a Hiver client, or the bizarre antics of Team Xtreme. Prepare for K’kree invasion in Gateway or join a desperate war of annihilation between two Aslan clans. Mercenaries of Charted Space – your guide to a successful and prosperous career in the Third Imperium and beyond.

Manufacturer: Mongoose Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 40066
Dragons Trove ID: 13578
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781913076566
Condition: New
Condition Note: None

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