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Mediums: Speakers with the Dead


They're Breaking on Through from the Other Side

The Restless Dead aren't silent. They're just bursting with thoughts and ideas that they'd love to share with the living. Unfortunately, they're not very good at communicating this sort of thing. It's one of the drawbacks of being dead, after all.

That's where you come in. Ready for the secrets of the Restless Dead? You'd better be.

Here the Whispers From Beyond the Grave

Mediums: Speakers with the Dead is a guide to mortals who can speak with the Restless Dead - and not just those mortals who want to listen. From the Boardwalk to corporate boardrooms, from the mean streets where Spectre cultists huddle to the places where the Ghost Dance still continues, mortals who can see across the Shroud are everywhere.

And you just might be one of them.

Mediums: Speakers with the Dead contains:

  • Rules and tips on creating a mortal character who can see across the Shroud
  • Updates on old friends such as the Benandanti and glimpses at other groups that speak with the Dead
  • The ins and outs of Spectre cults, ideas for using tarot in Wraith, the secrets why wraiths love televangelists, and more!
Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 6102
Dragons Trove ID: 2965
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781565046191
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight wear.

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