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Martial Arts Mayhem

Martial Arts Mayhem is a 64-page modern martial arts supplement for the d20 System, written by Rich Redman--martial artist and co-designer of the original d20 Modern Roleplaying Game from Wizards of the Coast, Inc. In addition to new feats and new martial weapons, the book expands on the d20 System's martial arts feats with two new concepts: martial arts schools and secret techniques. All together, these new rules let players and Gamemasters create martial arts master of any style, from traditional kung fu and ninjutsu to Zen archery and French savate. With these rules, you can even create boxers and flamboyant pro wrestlers! No Modern game would be complete without Martial Arts Mayhem!
Manufacturer: Green Ronin Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 1503
Dragons Trove ID: 3944
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781932442113
Condition: Near Mint
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