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Invid Invasion


The Invid Invasion setting is unique. The human world has been torn asunder. There are no cities, no governments, no army of mecha. Instead humankind teeters on the brink of extinction. The new masters of the planet are the merciless aliens known as the invid. However, all is not lost! A handful of adventurers and freedom fighters struggle to free Earth from the claws of its inhuman enslavers. Characters armed with some of the most powerful mecha ever created by man; the transformable "Cyclone" motorcycle, the Alpha and Beta Veritech fighter, the Vindicator and a variety of other war machines.

Manufacturer: Palladium Books
Manufacturer SKU: 556
Dragons Trove ID: 4978
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0916211282
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear.

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