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Gaz #5 The Elves of Alfheim


This is the first Gazetteer to outline a non-human culture: that of the Elves. Herein DMs and players alike will find information on elven society, politics, economics, and culture. Fascinating, first-hand details on the fabulous tree-cities are at last available to adventurers. The pageant of elven life hinted at in such previous TSR products as CM7, The Tree of Life, is now revealed in its entirety. For players of elven characters, this is an invaluable resource. Portions of the elven way of life that were cloudy until recently are outlined here in crystal clarity. The same material will be of aid to the DM who uses Alfheim in his or her campaign. The Elves of Alfheim is sure to become a staple of any D&D game campaign.

Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 9223
Dragons Trove ID: 523
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0880385383
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight corner wear. Poster map is present.

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