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Patriot, the legendary leader of the Defiance, is dead, executed by the fascist government he was working to bring down. People, both Deltas and regs, riot in the streets, and anarchy reigns across this battered country. Renegades on the run look to the one organization that started it all, the one group of people that might be able to bring it all to an end, the one last hope for restoring democracy to the United States of America: The Defiance! Defiants, a sourcebook for Brave New World, comes packed with details on the Defiance and its various factions and leaders, all struggling to bring their unique vision to the fore. It features six brand-new power packages to create new kinds of heroes, plus includes information on the final fate of Patriot, the greatest martyr for the Defiance.
Manufacturer: Alderac Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 7003
Dragons Trove ID: 4599
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1889546704
Condition: New
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