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Dark Heresy: Disciples of the Dark Gods


A Collection of the Darkest Threats to the Calixis SectorThe Ruinous Powers of Chaos take delight in seducing mortals to become sorcerers and cultists. Sinister secrets and conspiracies place entire worlds in peril. These dangers are kept in check only by the courage and iron determination of the Inquisition.From the savage blood-soaked arenas of the Beast Houses, to the apocalyptic terror of the Tyrant Star, a wealth of detailed challenges for Acolytes to confront. Profiles of the Calixis Sector's Most Wanted - a collection of cunning and dangerous foes who seek the downfall of the Golden Throne. Additional character options and new Psychic Powers, along with forbidden technology of the alien and the corrupting path of sorcery. A full-length adventure that introduces the Acolyes to the affairs of a notorious Rogue Trader.Discover the True Horrors Lurking in the Shadows of the Calaxis Sector.Suitable for players of all skill levels. A copy of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook is necessary to use this supplement.

Manufacturer: Fantasy Flight Games
Manufacturer SKU: DH05
Dragons Trove ID: 10641
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781589944589
Condition: New
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