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Cthulhu Britannica: Avalon


Somerset lies in the English West Country, a green and pleasant land steeped in millennia of history, folklore, and superstition. Legend even says King Arthur is buried there, sleeping on the lost isle of Avalon, to rise again in the hour of the land's greatest need. But what else lies out there, across - or beneath - those lonely desolate waters? This sourcebook for Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu RPG details the mysterious West Country of 1920's England, containing: a history of Somerset, a detailed and mystery-filled gazetteer, extensive notes on local legends and folklore, new books of lore and local personalities, and four complete adventures.

Manufacturer: Cubicle 7
Manufacturer SKU: 352
Dragons Trove ID: 11306
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0857440160
Condition: New
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