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Clones in Space

Space-the final frontier. These are the voyages of some unenterprising Troubleshooters, their mission: to seek out strange new life, new civilizations ...and terminate them...to boldly go where no clone has any business going.
Welcome once again to the darkly humorous world of PARANOIA. Instead of the daily humdrum life-or-death routine of Alpha Complex, in this adventure the Troubleshooters get to do something really exciting-explore Outer Space (Where the ceiling would be if the Outside had one).
These eager Troubleshooters get to enjoy the exciting, slightly gut-squashing effects of lift-off. The survivors get a lesson in weightlessness and a lucky few learn about the curious effects of hard vacuum. So much fun hardly seems fair.
All this leads to a question-What do you get when you mix together:
• Deranged computers in space stations (no relation to a 2001-year-old science fiction flick)
• Ravenous flesh-eating aliens
• Sneezes in zero-G
• Some low-budget special effects
• Really impressive extraterrestrials (out to conquer Earth, of course)
• And no less than 36 clones? Answer: A disgustingly fun mess!
Manufacturer: West End Games
Manufacturer SKU: 80107
Dragons Trove ID: 10419
Type: Module
ISBN/UPC: 0874310423
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight wear.

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