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Little Fears RPG: Blessed are the Children

They are different than other kids.Some would say strange.Some might say cursed.But they are called the blessed.Some are born without souls.Others, with more than one.Some are secretly monsters.Others are children of faithgiven powers beyond belief.And then there are thosewho wander this worldlong after death.Searching. Wanting.Hoping.Praying to dieor to live again.Every child is special.Some more than others.Blessed are the Children focuses on the realm of spirits and ghosts within the world of Little Fears Nightmare Edition. From the kids whose souls are different than others to the monsters who pursue them, Blessed are the Children introduces six new character options including Gifted, Soulless, and Changeling, numerous creatures from Closetland, rules for possession, a new take on the Spirit Drain ability, a full standalone episode called "My Soul to Keep", and more.
Manufacturer: Fun Sized Games
Manufacturer SKU: 003
Dragons Trove ID: 12085
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9780984261550
Condition: New
Condition Note: None

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