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Forsaking their old ways, the wolves of the Bisclavret (Phelan Clan) gathered up the trappings and the tools of the modern world and immediately began their ascension by any means they could. In a short time their house has risen to be a peer to the other Noble Houses of Calabria. While their leaders look upon other lands with green eyes, their demesne erodes from within, as mercenaries and schemers spread corruption within all ranks. Will the Bisclavret rise to dominate the known world, or will they collapse upon their own web of promises, debts, and lies? This supplement for the IRONCLAW Gaming System describes House Bisclavret, from their humble origins as a tribal society to their rapid climb to nobility today. Included are details on the power blocs within their nobility, their clergy, and their lay-folk. Also presented is the Bisclavret love of science, as shown by their engineering, their machines, and their armaments of gunpowder.
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