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Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector


"Welcome to Diaspora" is a phrase you haven't heard for quite some time. "Beware of Diaspora," on the other hand, does ring a bell. This once-proud subsector was the crossroads of contact between the Imperial Core and the Solomani Rim, but then it became the battleground for fleets of four governments: Lucan's Imperium, Margaret;s Faction, Daibei, and the vengeful Solomani Confederation. Property values went down.

Now, thanks to the Rebellion, the Hard Times are in full swing. Mercenaries, free traders, and other travellers find the sector to be confusing, dangerous, constantly changing environment. Raider bands prey on shipping, new local governements vie for influence, and long factional arms still reach out to create intrugue. This is no place to be without a guide.

At last, Astrogators' Guide to the Diaspora Sector presents you with up-to-date information on the worlds and interplanetary conditions of the sector that, perhaps better than any other, exemplifies the old curse: "May you live in interesting times."

Good Luck.

Astrogators' Guide to the Diaspora Sector is a MegaTraveller folio intended for use with the Hard Times sourcebook.

It features include:

    Color maps of all 16 subsectors and their current political and military situations.

    1121 and 1129 UWP data for all 476 worlds in the sector

    Color insignia and symbols of leading governments and military organizations.

Manufacturer: Game Designers Workshop
Manufacturer SKU: 9355
Dragons Trove ID: D589
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781558781382
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Some minor cover dirtiness.

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