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GURPS Traveller Alien Races 3


The third book in the Alien Races series describes two of the MOST alien races in the Traveller universe - the Droyne and the Hivers. The Droyne, which Imperial archaeologists are beginning to suspect are identical to the ancient race that scattered Humaniti and created the Vargr, are among the most pacific of all the inhabitants of the Imperium. But if they were once so powerful, why have they given up on the jump-drive and the other trappings of interstellar power? What did they learn that Humaniti will not?And what about the Hivers, the strange six-limbed creatures who dominate dozens of other races within their Hive Federation? Why do they treat their offspring so strangely? Does their incredible intelligence translate to wisdom? Or does their lust to manipulate others represent a threat to the Imperium?Also described are three minor races: the Hiver's laughing mercenaries, the Ithklur; the tiny nocturnal Lithkind; and the fluorine-breathing Inheritors, who inhabit a Dyson sphere created by the Ancients. Special bonus! This book includes "gold" cardboard punch-out versions of the 36 Droyne coyns, and complete instructions for Droyne divination. Droyne characters can now "cast the coyns" to determine their future actions . . . and Human characters can wonder why it works . .

Manufacturer: Steve Jackson Games
Manufacturer SKU: 6608
Dragons Trove ID: 5984
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1556344317
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Coins still attached.

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