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Alien Encounter: Invasion


The Battle Rages On

A year ago the alien Chromatics, using captive Upeo wa Macho - humans with the power to teleport - invaded our Solar System. Humanity united to repel the sneak attack. Now the tables are turned. Rescued teleporters and captive aliens provide the information necessary to exact revenge upon the invaders - to strike at the Chromatics' very homeworld.

Join the Front Lines!

Invasion is the first in the two part Alien Encounter adventure series that explores the Trinity Universe's mysterious - and deadly - alien races, as characters lead a daring counterattack against the warlike Chromatics. Comprehensive source material also provides Storytellers with a wealth of information about the alien homeworld, which can be the setting for any story.

Invasion Includes

  • Two complete adventures useable for any Trinityseries
  • Revealing source material on the alien Chromatics and their world
  • Shocking secrets about the Upeo wa Macho, Chromatics, Aberrants, and a mysterious new alien race!
Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 9104
Dragons Trove ID: 3142
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781565046207
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Price tag on back cover.

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