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Alien Encounter 2: Deception


We Come in Peace

Despite years of interactions with the Qin race, their intentions toward humanity remain a mystery. Similarly, with only recent contact, the true motives of the alien Coalition are also clouded in doubt. The time has come for humanity to discover the truth behind each alien race's interest in Earth.

But do the Aliens?

Deception is the final installment of the two-part Alien Encounter adventure series that explores the Trinity Universe's enigmatic - and often dangerous - alien races, as characters investigate the odd Qin and the malevolent Coalition. Comprehensive source material also gives Storytellers plenty of information about the aliens, which can be used for many different scenarios.

Deception Includes:
  • Two complete adventures usable for any Trinity series
  • Revealing source material on the alien Qin and Coalition races
  • Events that will shape the fate of the Trinity Universe!
Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 9105
Dragons Trove ID: 10402
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1565046218
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear

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