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Adventure II


Welcome to Adventure II, a collection of d20 Fantasy scenarios from Alderac Entertainment Group. These modules were first released at the dawn of the d20 movement under the "Adventure Keep" title, providing Dungeon Masters with ready-to-play adventures: one-shot stories or links to home grown campaigns. For this collection, we retooled all of the game rules to comply with the new 3.5 Edition of the d20 System. In addition, we added dozens of options for running the adventures, expanded advice for the DM, created random encounter charts, helped with PC knowledge and information regarding the adventure, made bardic knowledge more useful, and added (new) improved encounters that are sure to make the adventures stellar. In some cases, the plots themselves are reworked to get the most drama out of your game and to keep internal logic consistent.

Manufacturer: Alderac Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 8521
Dragons Trove ID: 459
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781594720277
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note:

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