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Advanced Gamemaster's Guide


The newest in Green Ronin's Advanced Rulebooks for the d20 System, the AGMG is the essential supplement for all Gamemasters. Designed to work with the Advanced Player's Manual and other volumes in the Advanced Series, this book offers new tips, tricks, and options for GMs to improve their d20 games. With advice from the expert pen of Wheel of Time RPG and Bastards and Bloodlines author Owen K.C. Stephens, the AGMG provides insightful tools to take your campaigns in new directions, such as variant rules for critical hits, quick resolution mass combat rules, expert resources for building memorable villains and adventures, artifact construction and much more. If you've ever run a d20 roleplaying game, this book is a must have!

Manufacturer: Green Ronin Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 1603
Dragons Trove ID: 6091
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1932442294
Condition: New
Condition Note: None

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