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Jihad Hot Spots: 3072


For nearly four years, the fires of war have threatened to consume all the nations of mankind as the Word of Blake's furious campaign of terror and deception raged on. Millions have died, mighty armies have fallen, and ancient empires have shattered, with no end in sight. But even as all hope seems lost, heroes old and new rise from the ashes of fire-blackened worlds to stand against the chaos and, maybe, to start turning the tide at last. Jihad Hot Spots: 3072 continues the series begun with Dawn of the Jihad, bringing the readers into the ongoing chaos and horror of the Sphere-spanning war, as seen from the eyes of those who fight - and die - in this epic conflict. Players of both Classic BattleTech and the Classic BattleTech RPG will find additional rules and campaign tracks within to continue their campaigns across the Inner Sphere as the Blakist holy war rages on. Finally, Jihad Hot Spots: 3072 contains a mini-Technical Readout section - including record sheets - for several new units, including the six new celestial-series Word of Blake OmniMechs. Dragon Trove ID 9886

Manufacturer: Catalyst Game Labs
Manufacturer SKU: 35302
Dragons Trove ID: 9886
Type: Supplement
Condition: New
Condition Note:

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