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Stygia, Serpent of the South


Stygia, Serpent of the South. . .The long-awaited sourcebook to the most evil of Hyborian Kingdoms is now here. With great pyramids and lurking reptiles, lost tombs and endless deserts, Stygia is an ominous backdrop for any Conan campaign. Rife with intrigue, murder and horror, this land is ripe for any any engaging scenario and every adventuring band should visit this place at least once.Covering the culture, society, military and magic of Stygia, this book contains everything you need to open the doors to a land that is both wondrous and terrible. Dragon Trove ID 9135

Manufacturer: Mongoose Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 7722
Dragons Trove ID: 9135
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1905471246
Condition: Near Mint
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