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OGL Wild West


This is a game about the American West. Some of the book is about how it was, and some is about how it is remembered. It is up to the players and Games Master to find their own version of the West, finding their own trail between truth and legend. If the players want a historically accurate game where miles are miles, events occur as they truly did, and death comes more often from disease than a bullet, then they will find the tools they need in this book. Alternatively, if the players want a game inspired by movies and dime novels, where the history is just a painted backdrop and heroes ride high in the saddle, then they too will find their desires catered for within.The characters may be counted among those who build America, who drove the railroad across the continent and built the Western states. They may be soldiers who fight at the famous battles of the West, or adventurers who blaze the trails through the wilderness. They can be statesmen or scoundrels, outlaws or lawmen, the quick or the dead. They will either become part of the legend, or die in some godforsaken hot and dusty place and be forgotten.

Manufacturer: Mongoose Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 6605
Dragons Trove ID: 6714
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 190485415X
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: None

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