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1920's Investigator's Companion Vol. 1


Hot Tips, Secret Info, & Sure-Fire Rules


Are there flashlights in the 1920s? How about flashbulbs?What can your licensed private-eye do? Can your investigator buy a machine gun?


Too often, Call of Cthulhu investigators find themselves notonly baffled by the mysteries of the Mythos, but baffled as well by theday-to-day life in America during the Roaring Twenties.


Discover the types of research facilities that areavailable, learn new skills, and purchase a variety of types of equipmentincluding an extensive list of firearms common to the era. Consult with expertson a variety of esoteric and occult topics.


An essential aid for players, investigators, and Keepers.

Manufacturer: Chaosium
Manufacturer SKU: 2343
Dragons Trove ID: 6500
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781568820071
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Price tags on front and back covers.

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