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Grace Under Pressure


You are on the sea floor, 1500 feet below the surface. Around you there is only cold and dark the sun's caressing rays bring nothing to this world. The pressure here is over six hundred pounds per square inch. This is a lethal place. There must be caution in every move you make, or the sea will claim your body and your soul. You and your companions are aboard the RSV Wallaby, a prototype research vessel of your own design. This is its maiden voyage; the attention of the world is upon you.You are not alone.And in the hours to come you will die. Unless you can master the fine art of Grace Under Pressure...Unlike most Call of Cthulhu adventures, "Grace Under Pressure" is not intended for campaign play. This book includes eight pre-generated characters for use with the game, as well as guidelines for your players to make up their own. Extensive notes on how to present the adventure theatrically are included, with emphasis on lighting, props, and sound effects. The adventure uses a unique dual-Keeper presentation, but can also be run by a single Keeper. Dragon Trove ID 11372

Manufacturer: Pagan Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 2100
Dragons Trove ID: 11372
Type: Module
Condition: Near Mint
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