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The Falians


Unlike the other Earth Goddess Tribes, the folk of the Tribe of the Shadows place little importance on directness as a virtue. They will happily sneak up behind an enemy and strangle him, not thinking it the least bit dishonourable. Before an army brings them to battle, they may find their general assassinated and warriors out of action through a dose of hallucinogenic fungi in the mead cauldron. Once in combat they will not shirk from stabbing in the back if the opportunity arises, but their courage on the open battlefield is no less than that of any other Earth Goddess tribe and they will proudly fight to the death in honour duels or battles alike.If they decide to attack in return, be sure that this too will be no fair fight, though again the Tribe of the Shadows find it perfectly in keeping with their honour to leap town walls in the dead of night and burn the place down- women, children and all. If they are at war with a tribe, they are at war with the whole tribe; there are no innocents. However, most are not deliberately cruel and will certainly not go out of their way to attack a non-warrior- they will just not worry overmuch about the casualties of war.The Tribe of the Shadows are also often known as the Falians, perhaps referring to their great city of Falias. Some say that the name 'Falians' is the older of the two, and that they have only been known as the Tribe of the Shadows after suffering a dreadful curse at the hands of the Earth Goddess, though the precise details are uncertain. In any event they are now known almost universally as the Tribe of the Shadows, or simply 'Shadows', on account of their habit of painting their bodies and shields alike jet black and shunning the daylight.The Tribe BooksThis is the third in Mongoose Publishing's series of Tribe books for the Slaine RPG. Each Tribe book takes an in-depth look at one of the tribes in Slaine's world of Tir Nan Og, covering their history and traditions, battle tactics and unique magic, and the most interesting personalities from each. The Tribe books are invaluable both for any players considering playing a character from the tribe, and for Games Masters looking to expand the background information available for Non-Player Characters. Games Masters are also well served by the scenario hooks provided for every one of the tribe's personalities. Dragon Trove ID 10489

Manufacturer: Mongoose Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 8009
Dragons Trove ID: 10489
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1903980941
Condition: Near Mint
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