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The Neo-Anarchists Guide to Real Life


Grab the kids! Hide the wife! The Neo-Anarchists are back!

This time, those fun-loving anarchists speak out on everything from transorbital travel and security system to coffin motels and fast food. Nothing is sacred, profanity reigns, and there's more data than you can shake a chip at.

The Neo-Anarchists' Guide to Real Life provides useful information about the Shadowrun world in a fictionalized format along with new, specific game systems for each of the subjects covered. This sourcebook is compatible with the original Shadowrun rules as well as the newly revised Shadowrun, Second Edition rules.

Manufacturer: FASA
Manufacturer SKU: 7208
Dragons Trove ID: 4983
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781555601652
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear.

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