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Art of the Duel


One on one contests have long been a defining element of Rokugani society. From famous iaijutsu duels to the challenges of wit between courtiers, the samurai of the Emerald Empire always seek to best one another and gain glory & honor for their Clan. Art of the Duel brings new depth and variety to the challenges your samurai & shugenja can face, as well as new tools to overcome their foes! This book features new rules & information for not only martial duels but also contests such as oratory, heraldry, sumai, archery, and even the famous Crab drinking contest. The tradition of magical duels among shugenja is also detailed, along with the strange competitions held among the Nezumi, Naga, and even the creatures of the Shadowlands.

Manufacturer: Alderac Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 3203
Dragons Trove ID: 10019
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781594720413
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight corner wear.

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