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Revelations IV: Fall of Malakim


Welcome to Los Angeles, City of Demons.

L.A. is run by the forces of Hell and any angels there exist at the whim of the demonic elite. But the demons are about to find out what happens when you push a Malakite too far...

Fall of the Malakim is Book Four of The Revelations Cycle for the In Nomine roleplaying game. In addition to an in-depth look at Los Angeles and its celestial denizens, Fall of the Malakim contains extended Superior write-ups for David and Lilith, introduces the rare Bright Lilim, and contains two complete adventures, "The Premiere" and "Fall of the Malakim".

Manufacturer: Steve Jackson Games
Manufacturer SKU: 3308
Dragons Trove ID: 2131
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781556343414
Condition: Near Mint
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