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Night in Gotham


The purpose of this book is to provide the DC Heroes Gamemaster with the relevant information on Gotham City. This volume concentrates on the night side -- the criminal element -- of Gotham. Sections of the book include descriptions of the city's entrenched crime, its bosses and ringleaders, and the various targets for crime in the city. There are also statistics for villains and details of their conflicts with Gotham's most famous crime-fighter, the Batman. Gotham's law enforcement apparatus and its relationship with both Batman and any other Characters who might consider operating within Gotham is also covered in this book. There are also sections that can be used to generate an adventure or an ongoing campaign.

This book is intended for any Characters of any power level.

Manufacturer: Mayfair Games
Manufacturer SKU: 212
Dragons Trove ID: 7021
Type: Module
ISBN/UPC: 0912771518
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor spine creases.

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