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The Cataclysm


A continent is sundered . . .
The Kingpriest's arrogance brings the wrath of the gods upon Krynn. The result is the Cataclysm -- chaos and anarchy, despair and villainy . . . and inspiring heroism.
Mark Anthony, Nancy Varian Berberick, Todd Fahnestock, Richard A. Knaak, Roger E. Moore, Douglas Niles, Nick O'Donohoe, Dan Parkinson, Paul B. Thompson and Tony R. Carter, and Michael and Teri Williams contribute untold stories to this indespensable collection. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman enhance this lineup with an original novella and verse dedicated to the accursed Lord Soth.

Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 8347
Dragons Trove ID: 1716
Type: Novel
ISBN/UPC: 1560764309
Condition: Near Mint
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