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Historical: Reunification War

In 2570, the six Great Houses of the Inner Sphere united to create the Star League, promising to bring an end to the generations of warfare that engulfed the worlds mankind now called home. Shortly thereafter, to seal their alliance, they turned against the various independent realms of the Periphery. Over the next twenty years, the so-called Reunification War would rage, claiming more lives than the savagery of the Age of War before it, all to realize House Cameron's dream of a united humanity at any cost.Historical: Reunification War describes the first grand military campaign of the newborn Star League against the collected realms of the Periphery. Covering each of the four major campaign theaters in detail, this book provides a hard look at the formative years of the first Star League, and the fateful decisions that led them to usher in a new Golden Age for mankind by unleashing their armies against its most far-flung worlds.
Manufacturer: Catalyst Game Labs
Manufacturer SKU: 35231
Dragons Trove ID: 11480
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781934857786
Condition: New
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