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Brave New World Power Shield & Adventure


As a Brave New World Guide, you've got a lot going on. You've got to come up with the adventures, keep track of all the extras, and get the action rolling. You don't want to be flipping through a rulebook just when things are getting their hottest. We're here to help. Power Shield is a colorful trifold screen that's perfect for hiding all your brave new secrets behind. Plus, the inside of the screen features all of the tables and summaries you need to run the game, all laid-out in an easy-to-references format. No good Guide would be without it! 

Manufacturer: Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 7001
Dragons Trove ID: 4598
Type: Accessory
ISBN/UPC: 9781889546643
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note:

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