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Pendragon Gamemaster's Handbook - Pre-order


In Pendragon, the Gamemaster is the leader of the game, the source of knowledge, the organizer of society, armies, and the land itself. Without the Gamemaster there would be no game; in roleplaying there is not a more noble act than to take on this great responsibility.

  • Guidelines for fine-tuning the game to your preferred style of play.
  • Rules for running battles: from the smallest skirmish to the most legendary clash of arms.
  • A variety of “Arthurian acts” such as feasting, tournaments, and courtly intrigue.
  • Greatly expanded information on the world of Pendragon and its important characters.
  • A myriad of strange and wondrous beasts, spirits, fairies and fiends which lurk in the dark places of Arthur’s Britain.
  • In-depth discussions of religion and magic, and how to use them in your game.
  • Two scenarios useful for either starting or sustaining a campaign.

The Pendragon Gamemaster’s Handbook is full of setting information about the world of King Arthur, Gamemaster procedures, and ideas to help the campaign flow smoothly.

Manufacturer: Chaosium
Manufacturer SKU: 2733-H
Dragons Trove ID: 14401
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781568825380
Condition: New
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