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XCC #6 - Dooms 2 Go


A compilation of rooms for Xcrawl Classics.

Fresh designers answer the question, “What to do when you just need one more room to make your Xcrawl happiness complete?”

XCC #6 Dooms 2 Go compiles several single-room encounters for the Xcrawl Classics RPG. Add them to extant dungeons, run them as intricate one-encounter single adventures, or use them as models for writing your own amazing adventures for the Worlds Funnest Death Sport. Featuring deadly ball crawls, zero-gravity challenges, Lovecraftian-inspired puzzle rooms, plus “Drakes on a Plane,” these are a collection of rooms your players won’t soon forget!

Manufacturer: Goodman Games
Manufacturer SKU: XCC19S
Dragons Trove ID: 14324
Type: Module
ISBN/UPC: 9781958809907
Condition: New
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